

Zotero is a reference manager tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

User instructions

Plugins exist for all browsers, which can be installed by individual users. Both firefox (since a recent change to their plugin architecture) and chromium now require a plugin to interact with the separate application called ‘Zotero standalone’.

The main program is called zotero, which corresponds to ‘Zotero standalone’. Version 5 is available as a module. To add it to your environment run:

$ module load zotero/5.0.44

The command to launch the standalone application is zotero.

Documentation is available in the application and on the Zotero website.


GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

Admin notes

Version 5 is available as a prebuilt tarball. This was unpacked to a pkg directory in the modules hierarchy and a symbolic link to the executable added to a bin directory.