

llvmlite is a lightweight LLVM-Python binding for writing JIT compilers. It is included for use with Numba.

User instructions

llvmlite is available via the modules system. To add it to your environment run:

$ module load llvmlite/0.19.0

Documentation is available at https://llvmlite.readthedocs.io


BSD 2-clause “Simplified” license.

Admin notes

Both python2 and python3 versions were installed through pip. This also pulls in a more recent enum into the same module.

PYTHONUSERBASE=/common/debian/9.1/PythonPackages/python/2.7/llvmlite/llvmlite-0.19.0 pip install --upgrade llvmlite
PYTHONUSERBASE=/common/debian/9.1/PythonPackages/python/3.5/llvmlite/llvmlite-0.19.0 pip3 install --upgrade llvmlite