

Julia is a high-level, dynamic programming language for technical computing. Whilst new, it is very performant and has some interesting features.

User instructions

Julia 0.4.7 is installed on all workstations from the Debian repositories. More recent versions are available via the modules system. To add it to your environment run:

$ module load julia/1.0.0

Extensive documentation is available on the Julia website.



Admin notes

Tarballs with precompiled generic Linux binaries are available. The module was installed by unpacking one of these in the appropriate location. The install can then be tested with Base.runtests(). All tests passed with the installed module.

If you wish to compile the code via the git repository, this is straightforward, though takes quite a while, but should give you a binary that’s more optimized for your hardware. Each release is tagged. To compile julia as a module, the following could be done (this will let Julia compile its own dependencies):

$ git clone --recursive git://github.com/JuliaLang/julia.git
$ cd julia
$ git checkout v0.6.2
$ echo -e "prefix=/common/debian/9.1/Core/julia/julia-0.6.0\nMARCH=x86-64" > Make.user
$ make
$ make install

Note, when I tried this myself (with no modules loaded), one of the in-built tests gave an error.