

grive2 is an open source Linux client for Google Drive forked from the original grive.

User instructions

grive2 is available via the modules system. To add it to your environment run:

$ module load grive2-dev/0.5.1

Create a directory (in workspace, please!) for holding the contents of your Google Drive. Run

$ grive -a

and follow the instructions to allow grive to sync the directory with your Google Drive. Future syncs simply require (e.g. via cron)

$ grive

to be run. Note that grive is considered ‘beta quality’ by its authors; whilst it seems to work, sometimes it throws an error and must be re-run.

Documentation is available at


GNU General Public License.

Admin notes

First, I installed the required header dependencies not yet installed: libyajl-dev, libgcrypt20-dev, libboost-filesystem1.55-dev, and libiberty-dev. I checked out the code from git:

git clone
cd grive2
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/common/debian/9.1/Core/grive2-dev/grive2-dev-0.5.1 ..
make install