.. index:: SuiteSparse .. _SuiteSparse: SuiteSparse =========== Description ----------- SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms. User instructions ----------------- SuiteSparse is available via the modules system. To add it to your environment run: .. code-block:: bash $ module load suitesparse/4.5.5 Documentation is available at the `SuiteSparse website `_. Source ------ http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html License ------- Various depending on the algorithm. Mostly it's either BSD 3-clause or LGPL. Check ``$SUITESPARSE_ROOT/LICENSE.txt`` for details. Admin notes ----------- I downloaded the latest tarball from the main website and compiled with: .. code-block:: bash ml intel make Once finished, I copied the lib and include folders into place, along with the LICENSE.txt file.