.. index:: JabRef .. _JabRef: JabRef ====== Description ----------- JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager. User instructions ----------------- JabRef is available via the modules system. To add it to your environment run: .. code-block:: bash $ module load jabref/3.8.2 after which JabRef can be running be executing .. code-block:: bash $ jabref The `JabRef website `_ contains useful documentation. Source ------ http://jabref.sourceforge.net License ------- GNU General Public License. Admin notes ----------- JabRef is most easily installed by downloading its jar file, which I placed in ``/common/debian/9.1/Desktop/jabref/jabref-3.8.2/lib/``. I then used a simple script to launch JabRef, which I placed in ``/common/debian/9.1/Desktop/jabref/jabref-3.8.2/bin/jabref``: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash bindir=$(dirname $0) verdir=${bindir%bin} verdir=$(basename $verdir) version=${verdir/jabref-/} java -jar $bindir/../lib/JabRef-$version.jar