.. index:: cluster; printing, printing Printing ======== We have both black-and-white and colour printers. Please print in black-and-white and in duplex mode where possible. Each printer has a queue for printing in only on a single side and on both sides (duplex). Please use black-and-white where possible; colour ink is expensive. The default printer queue on each workstation should be the duplex queue on the nearest black-and-white printer. The printer queues below are available from all workstations. Some workstations also have additional private printers installed. The description lists the default print options for that queue and can be modified in the print dialogue for most programs. The printers in TYC corridor are part of ICT's print service (see http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/ict/services/printing/ictprintservice-docs) and is pay-as-you-go. Those based in the TYC should get free print credit every month. ====================== ============ ============================= Printer queue Location Description ====================== ============ ============================= hpbw2 Blackett 811 duplex, black-and-white hpbw4 Blackett 817 duplex, black-and-white hpbw5 Blackett 901 duplex, black-and-white hpc3 Blackett 817 duplex, colour SecurePrinter_mono* TYC corridor duplex, colour SecurePrinter_colour* TYC corridor duplex, black-and-white ====================== ============ ============================= Note - both SecurePrinter queues have been temporarily disabled until ICT give us a way to configure these compatible with our system. You can submit print jobs via the web portal at https://ictprintservice-mobile.imperial.ac.uk in the interim. Using ICT print service (SecurePrinter) --------------------------------------- When you use the ICT print service (``SecurePrinter_mono`` or ``SecurePrinter_colour``), you will be asked to authenticate against the print servers. Use ``ic\`` for the username, where ```` is your **College** username and your **College** password for the password. You can choose to remember this in a keyring (which need only be unlocked periodically) if you wish. ICT print service jobs can also be submitted and viewed via https://ictprintservice-mobile.imperial.ac.uk.